On My Blackboard I Can Draw


Art is a form of expression that knows no bounds, offering a canvas for imagination to flourish. In Class 2 of the NCERT English curriculum, Chapter 2 - "On My Blackboard I Can Draw" - invites young learners to the world of artistic exploration and self-expression. Through vivid descriptions and engaging activities, this chapter not only enhances language skills but also encourages students to tap into their creative potential. Let's dive into the pages of "On My Blackboard I Can Draw" and discover the artistic magic it holds.

Exploring Chapter 2: "On My Blackboard I Can Draw"

The chapter celebrates the joy of drawing and artistic expression. Through descriptive narratives and imaginative scenarios, students embark on a journey that empowers them to visualize and create. Key elements of this chapter include:

1. Artistic Imagination

"On My Blackboard I Can Draw" introduces students to the world of imagination and creativity. They learn how to envision scenes and objects and translate them onto paper.

2. Language Exploration

By engaging with descriptive language related to colors, shapes, and actions, students expand their vocabulary and enhance their ability to convey visual ideas.

3. Self-Expression

The chapter encourages students to explore their individual artistic styles and express their unique perspectives through drawing.

4. Empathy and Appreciation

As students visualize scenarios described in the text, they develop empathy by understanding different perspectives and gaining appreciation for artistic expression.

Engaging Teaching Techniques

Teachers play a pivotal role in guiding students to embrace their artistic instincts. Employing interactive teaching techniques can make the learning experience engaging and enriching:

1. Drawing Workshops

Organize drawing sessions where students can follow step-by-step instructions to create their own artwork based on the chapter's descriptions.

2. Descriptive Discussions

Read aloud the descriptive passages from the chapter and encourage students to discuss the images they conjure in their minds. This fosters critical thinking and visualization.

3. Art Appreciation

Showcase famous artworks to students and encourage them to discuss how each piece makes them feel and what stories they perceive within the art.


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